
Monthly Chamber Meeting

Chamber Office 301 West Main Street, John Day, OR

The Chamber meets the third Thursday of every month. The business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. at the Chamber office.

Monument Christmas Bazaar

Contact Judy Harris - 541-934-2244 or Jeanne Strange - 541-934-2244 or 541-934-2001

Dayville Winter Bazaar

Dayville Community Hall

Call Dayville City Hall for more information - Ilah Bennett - 541-620-1630


Monthly Chamber Meeting

Chamber Office 301 West Main Street, John Day, OR

The Chamber meets the third Thursday of every month. The business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. at the Chamber office.


Monthly Chamber Meeting

Chamber Office 301 West Main Street, John Day, OR

The Chamber meets the third Thursday of every month. The business meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. at the Chamber office.

Mt. Vernon Brunch Bingo

Mt. Vernon Community Hall 640 Ingle St., Mt. Vernon,

Bingo - 10:00 AM